Monday, October 26, 2009

one thing

one thing that I'm thinking right now is KARTUL
and now i'm so tired and sleepy..oh God, please help me...

Friday, October 23, 2009


hey, i'm back for along 4 days and 3 nights retreat..hehe
and these are some pics :

ips society

with Tika "cantik"

first role play at wisma samadi

Saturday, October 17, 2009

cooking class


my lovely friend's birthday is today
hari sabtu kulalui dengan mengikuti kegiatan masak di sekolah
dan hari ini kita masak bolu ubi
huah, untuk membuatnya lumayan cepat dan intinya adalah proses mixing nya harus agak lama sama semua teraduk rata..dan..

ini lah hasilnya

terus karena sebagian anak kan ada yang retreat jadinya xod gabung deh sama kelompok kita dan agaknya sih berkat ada dia kelompok kita dibilang bagus hasil kuenya..hahaha
thx ya xod!

Friday, October 16, 2009


today is world food day with theme of this year is "achieving food security in times of crisis"

do the article for chapter 2
awake until 12 pm and then give a happy bday text message to my lovely friend
chatting till drop haha, enjoy this saturday night

wo bu pei - jay chou
way back into love -hugh grant & halley bennett
angel of mine - mymp
ku ingin kau tahu - adrian martadinata
kiss the rain - hienie dao

Thursday, October 15, 2009

a lot of thanks, pal..









thank you my friend for your prayer..
it so much mean to me
well i just can do this

exclusive class

huaa..hari ini teman2 di ips 2 pergi retret gelombang 2
cuma menyisakan 4 org yg katolik (nantinya di gelombang 3) dan 5 org yang non katolik (nantinya di gelombang 4)
jadi kita ber-9 ini dipindah kelasnya bareng sama ips 1
hmm..beda kelas tentunya suasananya juga lain..
tapi yauda lah..
sepanjang hari ini juga kita ngulang pelajaran yang uda kita dapet kemarinnya..
terus di plajaran terakir, kita ber-9 dibolehin ke perpus gitu akirnya kita nonton film deh
haha..really such an exclusive class

critanya tentang 2 keluarga yang akhirnya bersatu. si istri udah punya 10 anak dan si suami sudah punya 8 anak. haha..can you imagine if this happen to you?
overall critanya bagus kok lucu juga dan ada sweet2nya..hehe
huah..ya bgitu deh..
slamat retret teman2 ips 2,,

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

another boring time

ayo semangat Rosa!

Monday, October 12, 2009

unimportant complaint

so many tasks to do
and i don't know what i must done first..
i'm really tired..
and maybe it is happen because i don't know i feel like
i don't have a good mood enough to do whatever i want

oh..when it will be over?
God, please help me..


i think it is enough to express my feeling

oh..look at this sky
it is dark and also cloudy
it will be rain?
maybe.. is seems gloomy..
just like what i'm feeling right now..
oh i don't know why
maybe i just feel tiresome..
do you ever feel when you have somebody to lean on
somebody whom you trust and you can't stop thinking about for along days
and then he/she had a problem but nothing you can do?
it is sad..really sad..
you can't read his/her mind..
i'm really tired..
i don't know what i have to do
i'll pray for him
for a better life he will bring..
maybe i just don't know how to express my feeling
even i don't know what's my feeling inside..

Sunday, October 11, 2009

miss you all my friends

ah jadi kangen masa smp nih..
tadi baru buka fb eh trus baru inget tmn smp gw ada yg ultah..
"happy bday, bay"
abis gitu bermunculan wall dr tmn2 smp gw yg laen..
miss you so much guys..
udah pada berubah kali ya smuanya?
mulai dr penampilan, sikap mungkin..hemm hemm..
but everybody's changing and i don't feel the same
kapan ya gw punya waktu buat ketemu dan ngobrol2 sama mreka lagi?

suasana gradday smp

hang out

Saturday, October 10, 2009

how are you my friend?

huah..i dont want to sleep now..
well im tired and sleepy but i dont want to is october 10th so next week is october 17th
and you know what? october 17th is my best friend's bday
but i can't reach her because she is in malaysia now..
malaysia where the country is stealing some of indonesian heritage..
huff..hate malaysia!
okay i dont want to tell about malaysia..
oh..i miss her so much
we are friend since elementary school until junior high
and then we separate in high school

.. me and her..

well maybe im not be good friend to her
because i even didnt meet her when she want to go to malaysia
and also there is a problem between her and my friend
i dont know why it's happen
but nothing i can do, i can't solve it
it is a little bit complicated
i dont know what the problem is
even my friend didnt know too
it caused her and my friend never talk anymore...
what can i do?
she really enjoy her new life in malaysia and well it is a little bit different
i think she is changing now..
all i can do is just talk with her on msn or facebook :(
but still i'll be remembering her as my best friend.
love you, my bestie..miss you so much
when you will come home to indonesia?
do you enjoy your life in malaysia now?

nothing hurts like love..what do you think about love? is long time i haven't write any story ya? haha
well, i have read a novel that i borrowed in my school library..
the title is "Aku dan Cerita Cinta" it is written by Veronica.
dengan subtitle "nothing hurts like love"
ceritanya seputar cinta..cinta dan cinta..
there are beautiful poems inside and many sweet words :)
enak dibaca karena critanya mengalir, bener2 bisa menikmati rasanya cinta itu walaupun ada sih sebagian kata2nya yang agak gitu deh..bikin serem..hehe
trus in the end nya ada kata2 manis tentang apa itu cinta..
sesuai dengan subtitlenya, "nothing hurts like love, kamu akan merasakan cinta yang sesungguhnya kalau kamu sudah merasakan sakit"..hmm..
but it is a great novel i think

so what do you think about love??